Research, Update 22 Aug 2024

UPDATE – 22.08.2024

On 25 June 2024, Bellini Nautica communicated the approval by the Board of Directors of the consolidated Industrial Plan of the Bellini Group for the 2024-2027 period. Over the next few years, in addition

Research, Update 18 Jul 2024

UPDATE – 18.07.2024

The value of production at the close of the fiscal year FY23A stands at €3.07 million, essentially in line with the previous year’s result of €3.12 million. EBITDA as of December 31, 2023, amounts

Research, Update 12 Jul 2024

UPDATE – 12.07.2024

On June 11, 2024, Circle announced that its Board of Directors had approved the 2024-2027 Strategic Roadmap, “Connect 4 Agile Growth.” This initiative aims to integrate cutting-edge IT product development with federated services to

Research, Update 26 Jun 2024

UPDATE – 26.06.2024

In the Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2023, SolidWorld Group recorded net sales revenues of € 61.98 million, up 7.3% on the result at the end of 2022 (equal to € 57.75

Research, Update 30 May 2024

BREAKING NEWS – 30.05.2024

In the press release of May 28, 2024, Doxee SpA – a leading high-tech multinational company offering products in the areas of CCM (Customer Communications Management), Digital Customer Experience and Paperless, announced that the

Research, Update 23 May 2024

UPDATE – 23.05.2024

Inthe consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2023, Promotica Group reported consolidated sales revenues of € 84.51 million, compared to € 89.86 million in 2022, the first financial year of the plan, therefore

Research, Update 22 May 2024

UPDATE 21.05.2024

The value of production came in at € 18.87 million, compared to € 16.46 million recorded at the end of 2022, and to our previous report’s estimated of € 18.95 million. EBITDA, at the

Research, Update 15 May 2024

UPDATE – 15.05.2024

Revenues amount to € 25.84 million, an increase compared to the restated result of € 23.82 million for the previous fiscal year. EBITDA, amounting to € -0.20 million, shows a decrease compared to €

Research, Update 6 May 2024

UPDATE – 06.05.2024

Revenues amounted to € 61.68 million, compared to € 39.41 million recorded at the end of 2022 (up 56.5%) for FAE Technology alone, and a consolidated figure of € 60.72 million. The FY23A figure

Research, Update 26 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 26.04.2024

The value of production at the end of FY23A came in at € 3.32 million, an increase of 6.4% compared to the previous year’s result of € 3.12 million. EBITDA amounted to € 1.25

Research, Update 26 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 26.04.2024

The Company’s revenues at the end of FY23A stood at € 6.77 million, marking a growth of 21.6% compared to the figure of € 5.57 million for FY22A, and in line with our estimate

- Riferimento
Research, Update 26 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 26.04.2024

The value of production amounted to € 32.71 million, marking a growth of 13.5% compared to the € 28.83 million recorded in the 2022 pro-forma financial statements, and slightly down on the € 36.25

Research, Update 24 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 24.04.2024

In a press release of April 16, 2024, Redelfi, the head of the Genoa-based industrial group of the same name committed to the development of innovative and sustainable infrastructure to facilitate the energy transition,

Research, Update 24 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 24.04.2024

During the year, the Group recorded revenues of € 59.17 million, marking a 13.4% increase compared to the previous year’s result of € 51.19 million. The EBITDA for the period was € 7.66 million,

Research, Update 24 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 24.04.2024

FY23A sales revenues amounted to € 29.60 million, up 9.9% compared to € 26.94 million in FY22A. After other revenues of € 0.29 million, the value of production saw a similar growth of 10.6%,

Research, Update 22 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 22.04.2023

Consolidated revenues amounted to € 19.31 million, compared to € 9.91 million recorded at the end of 2022 (up 94.9%), though slightly lower than the value estimated in our previous report of € 20.60

Research, Update 22 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 22.04.2024

At the close of the financial year FY23A, the value of production amounted to € 10.52 million, slightly down (-0.6%) on the result recorded for the previous year, equal to € 10.58 million. EBITDA

Research, Update 19 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 19.04.2024

For FY23A, the Group recorded a value of production of € 55.44 million, marking a growth of 97.6% compared to the FY22A figure of € 28.06 million. EBITDA came in at € -0.05 million,

Research, Update 19 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 19.04.2024

The production value as of December 31, 2023, amounted to € 9.49 million, marking a decrease of 74.9% compared to the figure of the previous year, equal to € 37.80 million, but substantially in

Research, Update 18 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 18.04.2024

In the 2023 annual report, the Group closed the fiscal year with revenue of €2.58 million. This result is lowen than €4.45 million recorded in FY22A and below our previous report’s estimates. This is

Research, Update 18 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 18.04.2024

The value of production amounted to € 19.48 million, up from € 15.84 million at the end of 2022 and the € 18.90 million estimated in our previous report. EBITDA, equal to € 3.35 million,

Research, Update 18 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 18.04.2024

The value of production amounted to € 34.54 million, marking a decrease of 13.8% compared to the € 40.04 million reported in the 2022 financial statements, and essentially consistent with the € 34.50 million estimated

- Riferimento
Research, Update 17 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 17.04.2024

Green Oleo, in its financial report as of December 31, 2023, recorded a value of production of € 62.58 million, of which € 60.57 million attributable to sales revenues, € 2.61 million related to

Research, Update 17 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 17.04.2024

In the consolidated financial statement as of December 31, 2023, Palingeo recorded revenues of €58.50 million, a 14.7% increase compared to the € 51.02 million from the previous fiscal year. The EBITDA for the

Research, Update 16 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 16.04.2024

Pozzi Milano, in its financial statements as of December 31, 2023, reported sales revenues from finished products of € 18.79 million, substantially in line, net of a small decline (-12.7%), with the turnover of

Research, Update 16 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 16.04.2024

In the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2023, NVP reported revenues of € 27.48 million, marking a growth of 57.9% compared to € 17.41 million in FY22A, and exceeding the estimate of

- Riferimento
Research, Update 16 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 16.04.2024

At the end of the FY23A financial year, the Group had achieved revenues of € 19.78 million, marking an 8.2% decline from the € 21.54 million recorded for the previous period. EBITDA, at €

Research, Update 16 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 16.04.2024

Saccheria F.lli Franceschetti closed 2023 with revenues amounting to € 17.79 million, down compared to the equivalent figure for FY22A, equal to € 23.18 million, and to our estimate of € 19.50 million. EBITDA,

Research, Update 15 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 15.04.2024

The pro-forma figures for 2023 show the results of the new perimeter of the Reway Group, which records a value of production of €185.15 million, compared to the FY22A pro-forma figure of €163.90 million.

Research, Update 15 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 15.04.2024

TThe value of production amounted to € 22.56 million, marking a growth of 21.9% compared to the FY22A value of € 18.51 million, despite the uncertain geopolitical context and highly unstable raw material and

Research, Update 12 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 11.04.2024

The value of production for 2023 amounted to € 26.40 million, an improvement on the FY22A figure of € 21.56 million, in line with our estimate of € 26.50 million. EBITDA, equal to €

Research, Update 12 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 11.04.2024

Revenues amounted to € 40.90 million, in line with the end of 2022 figure of € 40.83 million, and slightly lower than the € 45.50 million estimated in our previous report. EBITDA, at €

Research, Update 12 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 11.04.2024

In the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023, Redelfi reported sales revenues of € 10.74 million, almost tripling the 2022 balance sheet value of € 3.96 million. The value of

Research, Update 10 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 10.04.2024

The value of production at the end of the period amounts to € 99.85 million, with a 21.2% increase compared to the FY22A (€ 82.41 million). The value of EBITDA at the end of

Research, Update 9 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 09.04.2024

In a press release dated 12 October 2023, the Company announced that it had finalised the acquisition of 100% of the capital of Abbrevia SpA, through the vehicle Bidco AML SpA, controlled by DigitalInfo

Research, Update 9 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 09.04.2024

Revenues amounted to € 32.09 million, down 1.4% from € 32.54 million in FY22A. EBITDA was € 5.34 million, remaining substantially in line with that of FY22A, equal to € 5.83 million. The EBITDA

- Riferimento
Research, Update 8 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 08.04.2024

In the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2023, Altea Green Power communicated sales revenues of € 3.40 million, with a value of production of € 17.30 million, marking a 3.5% growth compared to the

Research, Update 8 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 08.04.2024

In the consolidated financial statement as of December 31, 2023, the first full-year of consolidation following the acquisition of Pinum Doors & Windows in 2022, Nusco reports revenues of € 56.73 million, an increase of 11.4%

Research, Update 8 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 08.04.2024

Revenues came in at € 25.21 million, substantially in line with the previous year’s result of € 25.46 million and with our estimate of € 25.60 million. EBITDA, equal to € -0.99 million, recorded a

Research, Update 5 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 05.04.2024

Revenues amounted to € 35.79 million as of December 31, 2023, an increase of 12.9% compared to the previous period, in which they amounted to € 31.71 million. EBITDA as of December 31, 2023

Research, Update 5 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 03.04.2024

In 2023, revenues from sales and services closed at € 6.15 million, making a 29.7% increase from € 4.74 million in 2022. At the end of the 2023 fiscal year, the EBITDA stands at

Research, Update 5 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 03.04.2024

Revenues amounted to € 66.77 million, compared to € 62.16 million recorded at the end of 2022. EBITDA, equal to € 16.95 million, recorded an increase from € 15.83 million in the previous year

- Riferimento
Research, Update 5 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 03.04.2024

Revenues amounted to € 49.75 million, up 2.5% from the FY22A value (€ 48.51 million) and our previous report’s estimate of € 49.00 million. EBITDA reached € 8.10 million, marking an increase of 7.2%

Research, Update 4 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 04.04.2024

The value of production amounted to € 13.21 million, compared to € 10.85 million recorded at the end of 2022, and € 14.60 million estimated in our previous report. EBITDA, equal to € 3.19

Research, Update 4 Apr 2024

UPDATE – 04.04.2024

The value of production for FY23A amounted to € 248.23 million, up 21.8% compared to € 203.81 million in FY22A, and in line with our estimate of € 243.00 million. EBITDA for the period

Research, Update 25 Mar 2024

UPDATE – 25.03.2024

As of December 31, 2023, Matica Fintec reported a turnover of € 22.59 million, achieving a growth of 15.9%, compared to the 2022 financial year, in which revenues amounted to € 19.49 million, and

Research, Update 25 Mar 2024

UPDATE – 25.03.2024

Revenues came in at € 15.16 million, down 11.9% compared to € 17.20 million in FY22A, and to the € 14.80 million estimated in our previous report. The company’s EBITDA, at € 1.68 million,

- Riferimento
Research, Update 25 Mar 2024

UPDATE – 25.03.2024

The value of production stands at € 50.52 million, compared to a value of € 46.08 million recorded at the end of 2022, and to € 49.75 million estimated in our previous report. The

Research, Update 22 Mar 2024

UPDATE – 22.03.2024

At the end of 2023, Revenues reached € 10.64 mln, an increase of 196.7% compared to the previous period when they amounted to € 3.59 mln, overcoming our previous estimates of € 10.00 mln.

Research, Update 22 Feb 2024

Initiation of Coverage – 22.02.2024

Palingeo SpA is an Italian company operating in the geotechnical and geognostic sectors, engaged in the construction of civil and infrastructural works, soil foundation consolidation, and excavation front support. The Company was established in

Research, Update 23 Jan 2024

UPDATE – 23.01.2024

In its press release of January 15, 2024, Altea Green Power announced its approval of the new 2024-2028 Business Plan, drawn up considering the significant progress over the last year, in comparison with the

Research, Update 8 Jan 2024

Initiation of Coverage – 08.01.2024

Simone SpA is an Italian company established in Naples in 2011 and operating in the publishing sector through a number of brands, including Edizioni Simone, which has over 50 years of history. Simone is

Research, Update 21 Dec 2023

UPDATE – 21.12.2023

On December 11th, 2023, Redelfi announced the approval of the 2023-2026 Business Plan update, which occurred as a result of the change of focus that includes the Company’s acceleration of the expansion of the

Research, Update 19 Dec 2023

UPDATE – 19.12.2023

Alfio Bardolla Training Group (or “ABTG”), classed as an Italian Innovative SME and operating in the sector of non-formal personal financial training on the Italian market and, to a lesser extent, on the Spanish

Research, Update 6 Dec 2023

UPDATE – 06.12.2023

During the first half of the 2023 financial year, Mexedia Group generated consolidated revenues of € 133.36 million, up 59.4% from the 1H22A figure of € 83.68 million. The EBITDA for the period, equal

Research, Update 28 Nov 2023

UPDATE – 28.11.2023

FAE Technology, an Italian Benefit Corporation (Società Benefit) and Innovative SME (PMI Innovativa), specialized in the design, prototyping, planning and production of solutions for the electronics sector, announced the signing, on November 8th, 2023,

Research, Update 27 Oct 2023

Initiation of Coverage – 27.10.2023

Società Editoriale Il Fatto SpA is an independent Company active in the multimedia publishing sector, and was established in April 2009 by Cinzia Monteverdi­, Antonio Padellaro, Peter Gomez and Marco Lillo, leading professionals in

- Riferimento
Research, Update 26 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 23.10.2023

Reway Group, the Italian leading player for the rehabilitation of road and motorway infrastructures, has announced the signing of an agreement for the acquisition of 70.0% of the share capital of Se.Gi. SpA, one

Research, Update 24 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 02.10.2023

At the end of the first half-year of 2023, Websolute Group reported revenues of € 10.32 million, a slight decrease of 1.8% compared to the results of 1H22A, in which revenues amounted to €

Research, Update 24 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 06.10.2023

The value of production amounted to € 7.16 million, compared to a value of € 5.22 million reported for 1H23A, marking an increase of 37.0%. EBITDA, equal to € 1.96 million, saw an increase

Research, Update 23 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 23.10.2023

In 1H23A, The value of production stood at € 5.30 million, compared to a value of € 6.42 million recorded as of June 30th, 2022. EBITDA, amounting to € 2.50 million, decreased by 30.7%

Research, Update 23 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 23.10.2023

Sales revenues in 1H23A amounted to € 13.08 million, up 12.5% compared to € 11.62 million in 1H22A. EBITDA for the half-year came to € 2.41 million, slightly down by -12.3%, compared to €

Research, Update 23 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 23.10.2023

In the half year results as of June 30, 2023, NVP reported revenues of € 12.74 million, marking a clear increase compared to the 1H22A result of € 8.18 million (+55.7%). EBITDA, consequently, rose

- Riferimento
Research, Update 23 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 23.10.2023

The company’s revenues came in at € 3.18 million, marking an increase of 30.8% compared to the 1H22A figure of € 2.43 million. EBITDA came in negative by € 0.45 million, worsening compared to

- Riferimento
Research, Update 19 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 19.10.2023

The 1H23A value of production came in at € 118.96 million, up 18.1% compared to € 100.69 million in 1H22A. EBITDA for the period amounted to € 5.64 million, up by 35.4% compared to

Research, Update 18 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 18.10.2023

In the press release of September 29, 2023, the Company announced the Board of Directors’ approval of the half-year results as of June 30, 2023. During the first part of 2023 fiscal year, the

Research, Update 18 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 17.04.2023

In the press release of September 29, 2023, the Company announced the Board of Directors’ approval of the results as of June 30, 2023. During the first part of 2023 fiscal year, the Company

Research, Update 18 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 18.10.2023

In the half year results as of 1H23A, Comal reported a value of production of € 47.03 million, up 22.3% compared to the figure of 1H22A, equal to € 38,44 million. EBITDA for the

Research, Update 18 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 18.10.2023

The Group generated consolidated revenues of €30.21 million, marking a growth of 17.4% compared to 1H22A, which was €25.73 million. The value of production, including other revenues of €1.03 million, amounted to €31.24 million,

Research, Update 18 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 18.10.2023

The value of production for the first half-year of 2023 amounted to € 1.52 million, marking a notable increase compared to the 1H22A figure of € 0.10 million. EBITDA was negative by € -0.83

Research, Update 17 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 17.10.2023

The value of production at the end of the period stood at € 49.39 million, up 27.1% from the 1H22A figure of € 38.85 million. EBITDA at the end of 1H23A amounted to €

Research, Update 17 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 17.10.2023

At the end of the first half of 2023, the value of production stood at € 4.92 million, making an increase of 2.0% compared to the result of the first half-year of the previous

Research, Update 16 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 16.10.2023

In the financial statement as of June 30th, 2023, Altea Green Power communicated sales revenues of € 2.14 million, amounting to a value of production of € 10.05 million, marking a 34.0% growth compared

Research, Update 16 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 16.10.2023

In its financial statement as of June 30th, 2023, Redelfi reported sales revenues of € 4.13 million. The value of production came in at € 4.19 million, showing an increase of 226,7% compared to

Research, Update 13 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 13.10.2023

The value of production came in at € 9.10 million, up 22.7% compared to the 1H22A value, equal to € 7.42 million. EBITDA, equal to € 1.57 million, saw an increase of 81.5% compared

Research, Update 13 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 13.10.2023

Revenues came in at € 16.70 million, up 16.4% compared to the 1H22A figure, equal to € 14.35 million. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to € -0.07 million, an increase on the 1H22A figure, negative by

Research, Update 12 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 11.10.2023

The Group’s revenues amounted to € 12.14 million, marking a growth of 9.9% compared to the € 11.05 million reported in 1H22A. EBITDA came in negative at € 0.50 million, clearly down on the

Research, Update 12 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 12.10.2022

The value of production in 1H23A amounted to € 13.66 million, up by 44.6% compared to the figure for 1H22A, equal to € 9.45 million. EBITDA for the half-year was € 2.34 million, marking

Research, Update 12 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 12.10.2023

In the consolidated report as of June 30th, 2023, the Group reported consolidated revenues of € 33.22 million, marking a decrease of 26.1% compared to the 1H22A figure, equal to € 45.17 million. EBITDA for

Research, Update 10 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 10.10.2023

For the first half-year of 2023, the Group reported revenues of € 26.63 million, up 4.4% compared to 1H22A, equal to € 25.50 million. EBITDA amounted to € 4.96 million, marking a sharp rise

Research, Update 9 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 09.10.2023

The company reported a pro-forma value of production of € 54.72 million for 1H23A (compared to € 56.18 million for the 1H22A results). EBITDA for the period came in at € 10.63 million, in

Research, Update 9 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 09.10.2023

The value of production stands at € 10.78 million, marking a strong growth of 37.5% compared to the 1H22A figure, equal to € 7.84 million, despite the uncertainty of the general economic context. EBITDA

Research, Update 9 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 09.10.2023

Convergenze reported a value of production of € 10.49 million, a decrease of 17.1% compared to the 1H22A figure, equal to € 12.66 million, attributable to the sharp drop in energy prices. With the

Research, Update 9 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 09.10.2023

In the half-yearly report as of June 30th, 2023, Nusco Group reported net revenues of € 24.60 million, showing favorable developments in the strategy of diversification and customization of Nusco’s commercial offerings, aimed at

Research, Update 6 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 06.10.2023

Revenues in 1H23A were valued at € 16.52 million, marking a growth of 17.3% compared to 1H22A figure (€ 14.08 million). EBITDA came in at € 2.21 million, remaining substantially in line with that

- Riferimento
Research, Update 6 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 06.10.2023

The Group, in the consolidated half-yearly financial report as of 30 June 2023, announced that it had generated revenues of € 2.28 million, up 55.2% compared to the half-yearly figure of 2022, equal to

Research, Update 6 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 06.10.2023

The Group reported revenues for the period amounting to € 34.68 million, up by 25.4% compared to the figure for 1H22A, equal to € 27.66 million. EBITDA was valued at € 9.08 million, a

- Riferimento
Research, Update 5 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 05.10.2023

In the consolidated report as of June 30th, 2023, the Group reports consolidated revenues of € 33.14 million, up 9.3% compared to the 1H22A figure of € 30.31 million, confirming its growth path. EBITDA for

Research, Update 5 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 05.10.2023

Total revenues amounted to € 9.00 million, marking a growth of 92.9% compared to the 1H22A figure of € 4.67 million. Excluding the contribution of In-Sane Srl, equal to € 3.74 million, revenues still

Research, Update 4 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 04.10.2023

Revenues came in at € 27.31 million, up 57.0% compared to the figure for the first half of 2022, equal to € 17.40 million. EBITDA, equal to € 3.02 million, recorded a strong increase

Research, Update 4 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 04.10.2023

The value of production at the end of the period considered stood at € 13.16 million, marking a notable growth of 19.5%, compared to the equivalent figure for 1H22A, which stood at € 11.01

Research, Update 4 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 04.10.2023

As of 30 June 2023, Impianti recorded revenues amounting to € 3.87 million, down 18.4% compared to the 1H22A figure, equal to € 4.74 million. EBITDA was negative by € -0.60 million, down compared

Research, Update 4 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 04.10.2023

Revenues came in at € 21.70 million in 1H23A, compared to € 21.53 million reported at the end of the first half-year of 2022, marking a slight growth of 0.8%. EBITDA for the first

Research, Update 3 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 03.10.2023

In the half-yearly report of June 30th, 2023, the Group ended the year with revenues of € 1.42 million, a strong increase compared to the figure for the first half of fiscal year 2022,

Research, Update 3 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 03.10.2023

Pozzi Milano, in its financial statements as of June 30th, 2023, announced revenues from the sale of finished products of € 8.41 million, substantially confirming, net of a small drop (-1.7%), its turnover of

Research, Update 2 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 02.10.2023

At the end of the first half-year of 2023, Websolute Group reported revenues of € 10.32 million, a slight decrease of 1.8% compared to the results of 1H22A, in which revenues amounted to €

Research, Update 2 Oct 2023

UPDATE – 02.10.2023

The value of production in 1H23A came in at € 24.70 million, recording a growth of 5.8% compared to 1H22A (€ 23.35 million). EBITDA, equal to € 10.75 million, saw an increase of 12.1%

Research, Update 29 Sep 2023

UPDATE – 29.09.2023

Green Oleo, in its financial statement as of June 30th, 2022, reported a value of production of € 34.56 million, of which € 33.40 million came from sales revenues, € 1.58 million came from