BREAKING NEWS – 17.06.2024

In the press release of June 12th, 2024, Integrated System Credit Consulting Fintech S.p.A. (the “Company” or “ISCC Fintech”), a company active in Italy in the business of purchasing so-called granular portfolios of non-performing loans (otherwise known as NPL loans) from financial institutions, regulated companies providing goods or services (telephony, gas, electricity), special purpose vehicles and financial companies pursuant to Art. 106 T.U.B. and in the activity of management and recovery of the same (so-called “Credit Management” activity), announces that it has completed five operations for the sale of a portfolio of NPL loans with a GBV of approximately € 9.50 million, at a price above the book value. The operation was structured and executed through the platform, which acted as financial advisor.
With these disposals, ISCC is successfully continuing its growth plan. The transactions will enable the Company to accelerate the business development planned for the coming months, confirming the effectiveness of ISCC’s strategy.
Taking the press release into consideration, we confirm our recommendation: target price € 7.05, rating BUY and risk MEDIUM.