Home / Track Record / Simone S.p.A.
29 Dec 2023

Simone S.p.A. /29.12.2023

On 27th December 2023 Simone S.p.A. announces that it has received from Borsa Italiana the order for the admission of the Company’s Ordinary Shares and Warrants on “Euronext Growth Milan Pro”, a multilateral negotiations system organized and managed by Borsa Italiana. Negotiations began on 29th December 2023.

The total equivalent of the resources collected through the placement is equal to Euro 3,15 millions.

The enterprise Simone S.p.A. è una società attiva nel campo dell’editoria. È a capo dell’omonimo Gruppo che conta al suo interno sei società, Simone S.p.A., Editrice Ardea S.r.l., Dike Giuridica S.r.l., Il Gatto Verde Edizioni S.r.l., Font Cafè S.r.l. e Libri e Professioni S.r.l. e un marchio, Edizione Simone, con oltre cinquant’anni di storia.

Ultima Ricerca Simone S.p.A.

  • UPDATE 21.05.2024
    The value of production reached €9.63 million, an increase of 4.3% compared to €9.24 million in 1H23A. EBITDA amounted to €1.10 million, an increase of 23.6% compared to €0.89 million in the first half of the previous year. The EBITDA margin of 11.4% is higher than the 9.6% recorded in 1H23A. EBIT, after amortization and depreciation of €0.52 million, amounted to €0.58 million, up 15.8% compared to €0.50 million in 1H23A. Net Income stood at €0.32 million, compared to €0.29 million in 1H23A. On the balance sheet, the NFP remained virtually unchanged, with a cash-positive value of €2.32 million, compared to €2.41 million at December 31, 2023.

    In light of the results published in the half-year report for 1H24A, we are revising our estimates for both the current year and the coming years.In particular, we now estimate the value of production for FY24E at €19.15 million and EBITDA at €3.10 million, corresponding to a margin of 16.2%. For the following years, we expect the value of production to increase to €22.05 million (CAGR 23A-26E: 5.3%) in FY26E, with EBITDA reaching €4.20 million, corresponding to a margin of 19.0%, growing from €3.02 million in FY23A (which had an EBITDA Margin of 16.0%).

    We conducted our valuation of the equity value of Simone based on the DCF method and multiples of a sample of comparable companies. The DCF method (including, for prudential purposes, a specific risk of 2.5% in the calculation of the WACC) returned an equity value of € 24.0 million. Using market multiples, the equity value of Simone was calculated as € 21.0 million (including a 25.0% discount). The result is an average equity value of approximately € 22.5 million. The target price is € 3.00, with a BUY rating and MEDIUM risk.
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